Humanity Works
Brigitte Fairbank, Chief People Officer for the Department of Communities and Justice for the NSW Government, shares her advice for leaders at all stages of their journey, how to build a culture of inclusivity and belonging as well as practical ways to support Mental Health and Wellbeing in high pressure organisations.
How to build thriving inclusive cultures through deep personal connection.
Brigitte Fairbank is the Chief People Officer for the Department of Communities and Justice for the NSW Government.
An experienced and compassionate leader herself, Brigitte is passionate about creating deep, personal connections grounded in empathy and trust. In Episode 2 of Humanity Works she shares her advice for leaders at all stages of their journey, how to build a culture of inclusivity and belonging as well as practical ways to support Mental Health and Wellbeing in high pressure organisations.
In this Humanity Works podcast Episode Brigitte and Craig chat about:
- Their shared passion for music!
- The importance of empathy and trust in building relationships and solving problems.
- Why getting personal helps with gaining/framing perspective.
- The differences between leadership and management.
- Brigitte’s top 3 coaching tips for new leaders at the beginning of their journey.
- Practical ways to support Mental Health and Wellbeing within organisations.
- What a post-Covid future looks like.
Show Notes:
- Simon Sinek – “Leadership is not a rank, it is a responsibility. Leadership is not about being in charge, it is about taking care of those in your charge. And when we take care of our people, our people will take care of us.”
- Simon Sinek – Start with Why -
- David Tenant Does a Podcast -