Charting a New Course

with Sprouta

Thought Leadership

We're here to transform how you approach HR solutions, ensuring your organisation is always future-fit and ready to tackle whatever challenges come your way.

As a CPO or HR Leader, you’re at the forefront of shaping your organisation’s culture, driving the business case for change, and helping your leaders achieve their strategic objectives. It’s a big job - transformations are tough and often lonely, and your choice of strategic partners can make all the difference.

The world is becoming more unpredictable and fast-paced, and organisational problems are becoming more complex and tougher to solve. Having a network of experts, part of your transformation team you can call on is one of the most effective ways to ensure your organisation is always a future-fit.

But how do you build that robust network of trusted partners, advisors and experts? The number of service providers in the People, Performance and Culture space is growing exponentially, and their offerings are expanding, too.

Doing your due diligence can be overwhelming and time-consuming - taking a chance on a new provider promising a brave new solution can feel scary. We've all experienced the awkwardness and embarrassment of a poor fit for our organisation, seeing the intervention crash and burn. This often means you travel the well-trodden path you’ve always taken, which may not get you the desired results.

The challenge with sticking to the status quo is that today’s problems are more complex than ever, the future is more uncertain, and you have to do more with less. This new adaptive world requires new inclusive problem-solving that delivers new, adaptive solutions.

With over 25 years of industry experience, we’ve recognised that there is a better way. That’s why we built Sprouta.

“I didn't want a vanilla approach to change. I really wanted something highly tailored, and I could see very quickly in Sprouta, that they would be able to respond in a way that would assist.”
Madeleine Culbert former CEO, IPAA NSW 

Presenting Symptom vs Core Problem – which one is it?  

When people initially come to us with tough organisational challenges, we’re often presented with the symptoms rather than the underlying causes. For example, the presenting symptom of a disengaged workforce may have a core problem in the organisation’s operating model. The presenting symptom that comes to us as non-performance could be the core problem of a culture based on fear. Or the challenges with high staff turnover are symptomatic of systemic bullying.

Our inclusive problem-solving process involves diverse perspectives intersecting to tackle challenges head-on. Our approach is about more than just scratching the surface. It's about delving deep into the root causes to better understand the problem.

The presenting problems we see are shared across organisations, but the solutions are always different because the context is always different. Through our inclusive problem-solving process and the Sprouta Ecosystem, we can co-design solutions that address root causes. 

Sprouta's commitment to understanding our unique business needs and connecting us with the right industry experts ensures strategic and right-sized solutions. When it comes to solving people and performance related challenges, Sprouta is my trusted partner. Together, we’re shaping a better workforce for the future.
Talitha Vinall Manager Talent & Capability, ActewAGL

The right Partner - not just the Partner for right now.  

We're partner-agnostic. No biases, no hidden agendas. Just a pure focus on solving your problems. Unlike traditional consulting firms that may have vested interests, we'll introduce you to new partners, facilitate peer-to-peer discussions, and help you embrace a whole new way of thinking.  

You come to us with your tricky organisational challenge, we diagnose the problem, and while we’ll have a good idea of who can best help you, we’re not attached to any particular partner. What’s more, if your problem requires a solution we don’t have in our Ecosystem yet, we leverage our extensive global network to find it.

It’s not uncommon to feel wary of engaging with a new partner in case you find yourself in an unwanted sales funnel. Our client-centric approach ensures that the focus remains squarely on solving the problem rather than pushing a particular agenda. You can trust us to provide objective insights and connect you with the right partners to address your needs, saving you time, money, and frustration.

What I love about Sprouta is, it's an expert that sits externally from your business but is integral to your success. There's no pressure to take what they're talking to you about. But there's such richness in the conversation of exploring the challenges and the issues that you're facing. Even if you don't end up using Sprouta for a solution, you get so much value from exploring at a deeper level.
Tom Bailey, Capability Manager, Blackmores

Championing the Unsung Heros of Solutions

We challenge the notion that conventional solutions are always the best and encourage CPOs and HR Leaders to think creatively.  

Our curated Ecosystem boasts the best and brightest minds worldwide in People, Performance, and Culture. We vet our Partners not only on their track record but also on their groundbreaking, future-forward offerings and solutions.

We’ll help you push your thinking and consider solutions you might not ordinarily think of. Imagine if all the scaling tech companies embraced Strategic Workforce Planning. Would we see the constant rounds of market-affected tech layoffs? And what about a technology solution for L&D in organisations with geographically diverse workforces or very complicated training programs?

These Unsung heroes might not have the heroics of a shiny leadership program or an offsite strategy day, but we know they are solutions that work. 

Organisations will increasingly depend on SWP because the world is changing too rapidly for “fast react” agility.  The workforce is the organisation; by its long-term nature, it must be planned for strategically.
Alicia Roach, Founder eQ8

Predicting the Future

Our inclusive problem-solving process means we gain a deep understanding of your organisational context and business dynamics. Combine this with our extensive knowledge of the macro People, Performance, and Culture market, and we can help you predict the future and identify problems before they happen.

It’s a bold claim, but the proof is in our success. Recently, a client came to us to help make sense of some internal surveys showing only favourable findings. Through our process, we recognised some concerning trends and patterns, and our recommendation was to roll out a comprehensive Psychosocial Risk Review. Our work uncovered some significant systemic challenges that were going under the radar but had the potential to destabilise the entire workforce.

Our clients often say we are their “secret weapon” because we’re constantly sharing our insights and knowledge through the Sprouta Ecosystem, which makes them look good!

I see Sprouta as a thought partner, someone I can bounce ideas off—someone I can share my thinking, the direction we're working towards, the challenges we're struggling with right now, and the context of the organisation.
Cornelius Chang, Former HR Grab

By having Sprouta in your corner, you can navigate the complexities of HR challenges, knowing you have a trusted partner there for you at any time. Our integrated approach saves resources and reduces the angst associated with tackling complex and systemic organisational challenges.

Consider us your secret weapon for driving positive change. Because when it comes to HR solutions, we're not just solving problems, we're transforming how organisations operate.

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