Humanity Works
In the final episode of Humanity Works Season 1, Mary Lemonis and Craig Forman sit down to talk navigating paradox, the value of role modelling and what it takes to be an effective leader, at scale.
Unpacking leadership and navigating Paradox.
Mary Lemonis is the Chief People Officer for REA Group, a leading global digital business, specialising in property.
Mary is a passionate and intuitive leadership practitioner and in this episode she draws on more than 25 years People and Culture experience, and unpacks what it takes to be an exceptional leader.
In Episode 6 of Sprouta's Humanity Works Podcast, Mary and Craig chat about:
- Mary's career trajectory and her journey to Chief People Officer
- Defining culture and engagement and the role leaders have in shaping both
- What it means to successfully navigate paradox and why it's so important.
- How REA Group responded to the fall out from Covid-19 and Mary's key learnings from that time
- The value and impact of Conscious Leadership
Show Notes:
- Above the Line Below the Line -
- The Conscious Leadership Diana Champan and Jim Dethmer
- Book Recommendation - Catch 22, Joseph Heller
- Podcast Recommendation - Peter Crone Mind Architect and Dr Chatterjee Feel Better. Live More.